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telc certification

Exam telc Polish

What does telc stand for?

The European Language Certificates-telc. The telc- language testing system has been developed with reference to the – Common European Framework of Reference /CEFR/ of the Council of Europe. The telc exam in Polish B1-B2 tests language competence at two levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) developed by the Council of Europe. As a result, those taking the telc exam have the opportunity to receive a certificate at a level that accurately reflects their language skills.
In 2024, the Maritime University of  Szczecin became an accredited telc examination centre
Anyone interested in becoming a long-term resident in the European Union is welcome to take the telc exam in Polish as a foreign language at B1 level.
According to the Regulation of the Minister of Interior and Administration of 31 May 2023, the telc B1 certificate is sufficient to grant a residence permit for a long-term resident in the European Union.
Autor: Website Administrator

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