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telc certification

Polish Exam structure

Structure and objectives of the telc examination

  • the telc exam consists of two parts: a written part (lasting a total of 115 minutes) and an oral part, which is usually held in pairs (two examinees or one examinee in the absence of an even number of examinees and two telc licensed examiners)
  • the examination result consists of the results of the following test modules:
    a) listening comprehension, reading comprehension and elements of language,
    b) writing a letter/e-mail,
    c) speaking,
  • the oral part takes place on the day of the written exam,
  • the telc exam is designed to test your ability to communicate effectively in typical, practical everyday situations and covers topics related to everyday life and work,
  • a candidate who successfully passes the telc exam is awarded a certificate,
  • the candidate who fails the exam receives a score sheet,
  • depending on the number of points obtained in the individual parts of the examination, the candidate may obtain a certificate attesting B1 or B2 level knowledge of Polish.

Detailed information on the structure of the examination and a sample test of Polish at the B1-B2 dual language level can be found at the link:
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