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telc certification

Registration Polish

Telc exam in Polish language at dual B1-B2 level on 26.04.2025. including an organisational course

We would like to invite you to enrol for the telc exam in Polish as a foreign language at dual level B1-B2, which will be held on 26.04.2025 (Saturday).
Application form will be active until 24.03.2025 or until the limit of places is reached.
The number of places is limited.
Submitting the form does not constitute registration for the examination.

Once your registration has been completed, you will receive an email with your registration status (confirmation of the allocation of your place together with your details for sending the fee)

Upon payment of the fee, you will be given access to the Moodle e-learning platform, where you will find a short organisational course. This course will familiarise you with the specifics of the exam, its structure, scoring and sample tasks.

Application form

Autor: Website Administrator

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